
Should you use shared servers to host Ruby on Rails?

The hosting choice is the toughest whenever it is about hosting a specific programming language or framework. Many web hosts already offer customized hosting for that respective language or framework to curb this issue. For instance, you have seen or heard the Web Hosting Ruby On Rails, WordPress hosting, Magento hosting, etc. Not to mention all such hosting plans offer shared, VPS, and dedicated, etc., servers at the core. Nonetheless, the servers are optimized to support the language or framework. However, related to Ruby On Rails, one of the most asked questions is can the users employ the shared servers to host Ruby on Rails or not.

Ruby on Rails

It is an open-source framework, so it is free to use for anyone, be it commercially. It is easy to use and has extensive documentation, excellent for database interactions, convenient for complex programming tasks.

Ruby on Rails and its optimized hosting platform help deploy the applications faster. In addition, its speed and efficiency suit best for prototyping web apps.

Shared Servers Hosting for Ruby on Rails

As you already know, shared hosting is the easiest and cheapest hosting solution in the market. So it isn’t new to use shared environments, especially for small projects and websites. The same is the case with RoR with shared servers as suitably Best Rails Hosting for mini-projects. So using shared servers to host Ruby on Rails seems to be possible; however, there is more to it.

The core requirement is that a server should have Ruby On Rails support. If it isn’t, it should at least have rails support so that gems can be installed and keep carrying on with the deployment and development. The users or developers can probably install Passenger, FastCGI, Mongrel, or other gems to make it supportive and usable at the shared hosting. However, keep in mind that this installation scenario is pretty resource and processing-intensive. In contrast, resources like RAM and access are pretty limited in a shared environment that directly affects your application.

Secondly, your estimated visitation or a load of visitors on the web products is also a variable here. With the access traffic, the request ratio also exceeds. However, the server might be able to receive and process many requests at a time or intermittently. Instead, it might drain all the memory. So you will need more space and other resources to cope with a large number of visitors.

In addition to the above, common problems arousing is can that user creates the database and uploads the files, but in the end, he might not be able to access them. So individuals might hesitate to employ shared servers to host Ruby on Rails applications.

Using VPS or Dedicated server for RoR

On the other hand, it is already understood that VPS and the dedicated server have excellent Rails support. So these options can be ideal as the best Web Hosting Ruby On Rails.

In short, the speed, unlimited resources and scalability, and fully developed environment of virtual private and dedicated servers are more than perfect.

Whether to Use Shared Servers or not Depend On Your Host

However, it has been seen that Ruby On Rails can be hosted on shared servers using cPanel. That being said, if your hosting provider has got cPanel or shared hosting, you can be a bit assured. Moreover, if you are a cPanel expert or have substantial knowledge, you can opt for shared servers for RoR applications. In addition, many hosts offer to let you install Ruby On Rails on the shared servers.

So, all in all, whether to use shared servers to host Ruby on Rails will depend on your web hosting company. Also, it will suit only small-scale projects, and you have to upgrade or sign up for VPS or Dedicated servers for large products or project growth.

Navicosoft offers all server types Best Rails Hosting optimized to let you host or develop dynamic websites and applications. Moreover, you are free to choose your preferred Ruby on Rails version from the Ruby on Rails version selector and use it for your app.

Wrapping Up!

Summarizing the above discussion, if you are to opt for shared hosting for RoR web products due to budget, you can. The only condition is to find the right host. Nevertheless, using VPS or Dedicated hosting, you will have no worries about speed, storage, hosting assets limitation, and traffic accommodation hassles.

Grace Admin

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