If you spend a lot on travel and incur significant fuel costs per month, a fuel credit card can be the right choice for you. A best fuel credit card comes with offers and benefits to help you save a lot. These cards are specifically designed to cater to your fuel expense needs. This blog will allow you to grasp how fuel cards work, the benefits of a fuel credit card, and how much you can save on your card.
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Let’s first discuss the basics. So if you are known to credit cards, you must already know what a fuel credit card is. Fuel prices constantly change for the good and mostly for the worse. If you make fuel payments daily, you can save a lot on fuel purchases by applying for credit cards from some of the lenders that offer cash benefits and other offers. These cards are co-branded with oil companies such as Bharat Petroleum, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, Indian oil. They can offer cardholders refilling fuel at the partner stations or fuel pumps at a bargain.
Some credit card companies can provide you with a credit card with NIL joining fees. You should check and compare all the charges you have to pay throughout the year on the card.
Before applying for a credit card specifically designed to cater to fuel expense needs, you should know how much costs you incur every month. These cards are best suited for those who use their vehicles for frequent commuting as they can help them save a significant amount on fuel expenses.
Check out the redemption process of different credit card lenders. It is better to get those cards that offer instant redemption of points.
So, the benefits offered on a credit card can differ from lender to lender. Given below are some of the common offers and benefits offered by various big lenders that you can look up to while deciding on what fuel credit card to purchase:
This is the primary reason anyone would buy a fuel credit card. Below stated are some of the big banks and their offers on fuel purchases:
∙ On transactions up to Rs. 4,000, you are charged a 1% fuel surcharge less across all BPCL petrol pumps in India, exclusive of GST and other charges.
∙ You can enjoy 7.25% Value back or 25X Reward Points on fuel purchases at BPCL petrol pumps. And a maximum of 2500 Reward Points per billing cycle. You can enjoy a 6.25% + 1% Fuel surcharge waiver on every BPCL transaction up to ₹ 4000 (exclusive of GST and other charges).
∙ You get a fuel surcharge waiver of Rs. 100 per statement cycle per credit card account, which is equivalent to an Annual Savings of Rs.1200.
IndianOil Citi Credit Card
∙ You get a fuel surcharge waiver of 1% on transacting on any INDIAN FUEL OUTLET between Rs.200 and Rs.5000 to avail the offer.
∙ You can enjoy a 4% value back on fuel transactions between Rs.100 to Rs.5000 by earning 20 reward points per Rs.100 spent at IOCL outlets.
ICICI Bank HPCL Super Saver Credit Card
∙ You get 5% cashback on all fuel spent at HPCL outlets and an additional 1.5% back in reward points on all fuel purchases through the HP pay app.
HDFC Bharat credit card
∙ You can enjoy savings with 5% monthly cashback on Fuel expenses.
∙ You get a 1% surcharge waiver and save up to Rs. 250 in every billing cycle (Min transaction of Rs. 400).
Before choosing a card, a cashback offer can be a secondary reason. You can earn cashback in reward points that you can later redeem. Check for cashback offers it claims before opting for a fuel credit card.
∙ You get 2,000 Activation Bonus Reward Points worth Rs. 500 on payment of joining fee. ∙ You get 5X Reward Points on every ₹ 100 spent at Groceries, Departmental Stores, and Movies & Dining (Up to 5000 Reward Points per month)
∙ You get 1 Reward Point for every Rs. 100 spent on non-fuel retail purchases.
IndianOil Citi Credit Card
∙ You get a 1% value back on online shopping by earning 5 reward points per Rs.100 spent. ∙ You can get an annual fee waiver on spending more than Rs.50000 in a year. ∙ You get a 10% discount on movie tickets booked via book my show.
ICICI Bank HPCL Super Saver Credit Card
∙ There is access to domestic airport lounges, and exclusive dining offers through the ICICI bank culinary treats programme.
∙ You get 5% on reward points back on all retail purchases.
∙ You get a 25% discount on movie ticket booking from the book my show twice a month up to Rs.100 per transaction.
HDFC Bharat credit card:
You can enjoy savings with 5% monthly cashback on Groceries and 5% monthly cashback when booking tickets through IRCTC.
A fuel credit card can be very beneficial for you if you travel frequently. It can give you cashback benefits, fuel waivers and add on benefits on purchases other than oil. This blog talked about how fuel best credit cards in India work and the benefits of a fuel credit card Thus before opting for a credit card, consider all the points we discussed above to make an informed decision.
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