
How a Machine Vision System Can Help Your Pharmaceutical Company Grow

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most regulated industries in the world. The safety and accuracy of drugs and other medical products must be ensured, and machine vision systems can help with these tasks. A machine vision system is a unique type of computer-aided inspection (CAI) technology that uses image data to analyze non-visible defects on products and packaging. Machine vision has been used for decades in the electronics industry, but only recently has its use expanded to include other industries such as food and pharmaceuticals. In this blog, we’ll cover how a machine vision system inspection can help your pharmaceutical company to grow by reducing product rejects and improving quality control.


Machine Vision in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Machine vision inspection is a great solution for pharmaceutical companies to reduce the number of product rejects and improve quality control. Machine vision systems can be used to inspect products and packaging for defects and errors that may occur off-line in the production process, such as:

• inconsistent fill levels;

• wrong or missing labels;

• damaged packaging;

• mislabeled packages;

• wrong batch numbers;

• incorrect item quantities.

A New Way to Reduce Rejects

One of the most obvious benefits of machine vision inspection is that it can lower product reject rates.

Suppose you produce batches of pills, and your reject rate is 10%. This means that for every 100 batches, ten will be rejected. Suppose now that you start using a machine vision system to inspect your products. The reject rate drops to 5%. This means that now only five batches are rejected out of every 100.

This reduction in rejects has several benefits. The first one is obviously an increase in production efficiency – you now produce more pills per batch! But there’s also an exciting benefit for your bottom line: lowering the reject rate could reduce the need for costly investments in equipment or other operations that would have been necessary if reject rates were higher.

Decrease in Cycle Time

One of the most important benefits of machine vision inspection is that it can reduce cycle time. When a machine vision system detects a defect, the production line stops and then resumes when the defect has been corrected. This eliminates the need for additional inspections by humans, which saves time and reduces the potential for human error.

Future of Machine Vision Systems in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry is in need of inspection technologies that can inspect product quality in a fast and accurate manner. The future of machine vision in this industry is bright. Machine vision systems will be able to handle inspections with greater accuracy, reduce defects, increase productivity, and improve the overall quality of your products.  Machine vision systems are already being used in the pharmaceutical industry. There are many benefits associated with investing in machine vision systems for your company’s production needs.


Machine vision is the future of the pharmaceutical industry. It will help increase efficiency, decrease cycle time, and reduce rejects. Machine vision will also help your company grow.

Grace Admin

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